What is Pickleball?

Pickleball was created in Washington State in 1965.  It was named after the family dog of one of the creators.  The dog, Pickle, used to take the ball and run off with it anytime it was hit near him.

Pickleball is a blend of badminton, ping pong and tennis.  Many of the rules come from these sports.  The court is played on a badminton size court and played over a tennis type net.  The serves in pickle ball are underhanded and must contact the ball below the player’s waist.  Serves have to land in the diagonally opposite court from the server.  The ball must bounce before the opposite team returns the serve.  The serving team also has to let the ball bounce before they can return the ball.

If the ball is hit out of bounds, it is called faulting.  If the ball doesn’t clear the net, or is returned by a player inside the no-volley zone, or if the double bounce rule is violated, it is also called faulting.

The equipment is borrowed from other sports as well.  The paddle is solid, usually 8 inches wide and 15 inches long.  The ball is a wiffle ball.

Scoring is similar to tennis.  Only the serving team can score points.  Points are earned by serving a ball that the opposing team does not touch, or if the opposing team faults during play.  The game is played to 11 points.  In order to win, a team has to win by 2 points.

Pickleball takes the best parts of some of our favorite sports and makes a hybrid that you are sure to love! Be sure to try it during your next visit to our park! Equipment is available for rent at the French Mountain Trading Post.