Memorial Day Weekend 2022

Can you believe it campers? Memorial Day Weekend is already upon us and we have a jammed pack weekend full of fun in store for our guests. To kick off the weekend on Friday night we will have the DJ Dance & Light Show in our Bingo Pavilion. Come dance to all your favorite hits. Saturday morning in our Bingo Pavilion we will have the raptor show. A wonderful educational session informing guests about birds found in the local wilderness. Saturday night’s French Mountain Playhouse show is a must attend. Illusionist David Garrity is back on our stage to perform IllusionQuest. To close out the weekend Sunday evening is the first family Bingo of the year, perfect for all ages and numerous chances to win great prizes. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, we will also have movies playing in both of our movie theaters. Both the village and park trollies will be operating on Saturday and Sunday as well as the paddle boats. Don’t miss all the fun to be had as we kick off what is sure to be a wonderful camping season. We hope to see you soon!