Wildlife 2023

Did you know that we are located within the legendary Adirondack Park? The Adirondack Park is known for its stunning natural beauty and wildlife. A common animal we see is the white-tailed deer. You often will see them standing in the woods or on the side of road ways. Usually you cannot get close as they are quick to bolt at the slightest noise. We also have moose in the Adirondack Park, but they are very rare to be seen. They stand at 6 feet tall and their antlers can be up to 5 feet wide!

Another timid member of our local eco-system is the fox. They are very skittish and they are also a rare, but a beautiful site. They sport a vivid orange coat and although they are mostly nocturnal they can be seen during the day on occasion as well.

We also have owls that you can hear hooting in the evenings from time to time and they are just as majestic as in Harry Potter! They mostly stick to densely wooded areas, but once you hear them look closely and you may even spot one! We are the perfect getaway for those looking to see stunning natural beauty and wildlife.